Steps To Send Telemetry To Cloud

  1. (Optional)- Sometimes, the devices will need to get an acknowledgement of the telemetry message sent to the cloud. This will be needed in scenarios where devices follow retry of the telemetry sending in case ack is not received. Device shall subscribe to topic {clientId}/telemetry/res/# to receive the acknowledgement for the telemetry.

  2. Devices shall push the telemetry messages to DyoCense cloud by publishing the message to the topic- {clientId}/telemetry/POST/?msgid={messageidentifierid}&originTime={event creation time} messageIdentifier id – optional property. Required when any acknowledgement is required for the telemetry sent to the cloud. The acknowledgement will be coming with messageIdentifier in the payload. event creation time – optional property. Required when the device can re-send the events those are generated when it’s disconnected from cloud. If the value is not sent, the current time will be considered as the originTime by cloudThe telemetry message follows a basic key value pair structure as shown in below example.

  3. DyoCense cloud will publish an empty message as the acknowledgement for telemetry messages on topic {clientId}/telemetry/res/{status}/?msgid={messageidentifierid}

    Where, messageIdentifier id is the same identifier value sent by device in step 2. status will denote the status of telemetry message. The possible values of {status} are as in below table.

    201 Successfully saved
    400 Bad request

    It’s expected that, the device will implement necessary retry logic, in case the success Acknowledge message is not received within 300 seconds after sending the telemetry to cloud.

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