Update configuration changes to cloud

Whenever a configuration value is changed in the device, it shall report the change to the cloud to sync the reported properties of the configuration object.

  1. (Optional) If the device wants to implement retry logic for sending the reported properties, the acknowledgement topic may be subscribed by device. This may be required to ensure the reported properties are successfully saved to cloud even though the initial attempt was failed due to any reasons such as network drop, etc. The device can subscribe to {clientId}/twin/properties/reported/res/# topic to receive acknowledgements for the reported properties.

  2. The device shall send the reported properties on topic {clientId}/twin/properties/reported/PATCH/?rid={request id} with a payload structure, as below

  3. DyoCense cloud will publish the acknowledgement for the reported properties on the topic {clientId}/twin/properties/reported/res/{status}/?rid={request id} with a payload, as below.

Where “new version” will be the version number after updating desired properties.

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