Device Types

To create a new device type, follow these steps:
  1. To create a new device type, first click on the button that says "Create new device type".
  2. Provide all the necessary information.
  3. You can upload JSON Schema file by selecting the "+ Choose" option.
  4. After you have filled in all the details, click on the "Save" button.

  • Once you have provided all the required information such as Name, SKU name, cloud protocol, and authentication method, you can verify the endpoint URL.

  • The information related to device types can be downloaded using the "Export to Excel" button.

  • To search for specific information, you can either use the search bar or access advanced search filters by clicking on "Show Advanced Filters".
  • In the advanced filter section, you can specify details such as
  1. Name.
  2. Sku name.
  3. Cloud protocol.
  4. Status.
  5. Updated date range.
  6. Created date range.
  • To hide the Advanced filter, simply click on the "Hide advanced filters" button.

  1. View
    • To view the details of a Device Type, click on the "View" option.
    • Example: dc-test

  1. Edit
    • To modify the information, click on the "Edit" button.
    • Update the relevant fields and then click on "Save".

  1. Delete
    • To remove a specific device type, select the "Delete" option.
    • Confirm the action by clicking on "Yes".

In this document