Production Status

  • The below Image show all the data about "Production Status" Screen.

Bay W/O Status.
  1. Bay W/O Status will show the Machine Name, Product Name, and the Status of the Machine.
  2. There are three different status indicators for machines:
    • Running (indicated by the colour green)
    • Down (indicated by the colour red)
    • Not Started (indicated by the colour yellow)
  1. The Incharge section will show the profile icon or uploaded picture of Incharger with the name.
Shift Utilization.
  1. In the Shift Utilization section, the percentage of "BreakDown" and "Production" will be displayed, where "Production" indicated in green color and "BreakDown" in red colour.
  2. If you hover the cursor over the "Production" portion, a tooltip will appear displaying the duration of the Production in hours.
  3. If you hover the cursor over the "BreakDown" portion, a tooltip will appear displaying the duration of the breakdown in hours.

U.P.H (Unit per Hour).
  1. The UPH (units per hour) will be displayed in a bar graph.

  2. If you hover the cursor over the bar graph, a tooltip will appear displaying the following information:

    • Work Order
    • Achieved Parts (indicated by the color green)
    • Missed Quantity Parts (indicated by the color red)
    • Target (indicated by the color blue)

  1. To view the Down Time Reason Details, click on the "Red colour" portion of the bar graph.
  2. To hide the Down Time Reason page, click on the "X" button or the "Close" button.

Shift Efficiency.
  1. The Shift Efficiency will be displayed as a percentage.
  2. To open the "Reason for Shift Efficiency" page, click on the Shift Efficiency section.
  3. To view the Detailed Reason for Shift Efficiency, please click on the "Expand" button.
  4. To hide the Reason for Shift Efficiency page, please click on the "X" button or the "Close" button.
QTY.Produced W/O Status.

1.In this section, you can see the percentage of products produced and the corresponding count.

Show Advanced Filters.
  1. To access advanced filters, click on the "Show Advanced Filters" button.
  2. To filter the results, please select the desired machine from the "Select line" dropdown.
  3. To apply the selected filters, please click on the "Refresh" button.

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