


  1. Click on "Timezone" dropdown and select the required timezone.


Application Logo

  1. Click on "Choose File".
  2. Select the file you wanted to upload.
  3. To upload the selected file, Click on "Upload" button.
  4. Click on "Clear" button, to remove the uploaded logo.

Custom CSS

  1. Click on "Choose File".
  2. Select the file you wanted to upload.
  3. To upload the selected file, Click on "Upload" button.
  4. Click on "Clear" button, to remove the uploaded logo.
User Management

Form-Based Registration

  1. On selection of Check box we can "Allow user to register to the system". (If we don't select it then user will be added by admin, using user management page)
  2. On selection of check box "New registration users are active by default". (If we disable the option the then the new user will not be able to login and Admin have to manually activate that account)

Cookie Consent

  1. To show the cookie consent in login page, click on "Cookie consent enabled" checkbox.

Session Timeout Control

  1. To show the session timeout control, Enable the "Session timeout control" checkbox.

Other Settings

  1. To ask the email confirmation for login, Enable the "Email Confirmation required for login" checkbox.


  1. To use this "Gravather" as their profile picture, Enable the "Allow users to use Gravatar profile picture" checkbox.


Password Complexity

  • As per your requirement you can set the password by selecting the checkbox's.
  1. User default setting.
  2. Required digit.
  3. Required lowercase.
  4. Required non-alphanumeric
  5. Required uppercase.

Required length

  1. In the image we see its set to 3 , it means that the password should contain minimum of 3 Digits.

User Lock Out

  1. On selecting this checkbox we can set the maximum amount of failed login attempts. and we can lock the account for a particular time. (You can set by "increasing OR decreasing" according to your requirement)

Example: In the below image we can see that the maximum number of failed login attempt count before locking the account is set to the value 10 and Account locking duration to 300 Sec.

Explanation: If the user continuously try to login with wrong credentials then the user can be blocked when they try it for 11th time and that account is blocked for 300 sec. After 300 Sec the user can try again.


  • Invoice Information
  1. Enter the Legal name.
  2. Enter the Address.
  3. Enter the Tax/VatNo.
  4. Finally Click on "Save all" option to save the Changes.

In this document