
Excel Operations

  • Click on the "Excel Operations" button to view the available options.

  1. To download the list of users, click on "Export to excel" option.
  2. To upload a file from your system, click on "Import from Excel" option.
  3. Select the file you want to upload, click on "open" button to upload that desired file.

How to Creating New User.

  1. To create "New user", click on "Create new User" button.
  • User Information
  1. Enter all the required details into their respective fields.

  • Roles
  1. Click on "Roles" option.
  2. Select the appropriate role that is required for the user.

  • Organization Units
  1. Select the required "organization unit".
  2. Click on " Save" button.

Show Advanced Filter.

  1. Click on "Shown advanced filter".

  2. Click on "Select permission" option, to Select the required permissions.

  3. Select the required Role from "Filter by role" dropdown.

  4. Click on "Only Locked Users" to get the list of locked users.

  5. Click on the 'Refresh' button to apply the filter.

    Alternatively, you can use a simple "search bar" to search the relevant data.


  • To view the available options, please click on the "Actions" button.

  • Login as this user
  1. Click on "Login as this user" option, then it will "login" to that user's account.
  • Edit
  1. To modify the user details, Click on the "Edit" option.
  2. Click on the "Save" button to save the changes.

  • Permission
  1. Click on "permissions" option to select the required "special permissions".
  2. Click on "save" button.
  3. If you click on "Reset special permissions" it will reset and select the previously selected permissions.

  • Unlock
  1. Click on "Unlock" option to unlock that particular user.
  • Delete
  1. To delete the specific "User", Click on the "Delete" option.
  2. click on the "Yes" button to complete the action.

In this document